Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Three Types of Clutter

We all live with clutter in our lives. When we think of clutter, most of us envision the environment we live in. We see way to much stuff! And that, my friend, IS the most common clutter....too much stuff.
But, did you know that "stuff" is not the only clutter in one's life? Did you know there are THREE types of clutter, and having too much stuff is only one of them?
Ask yourself this question, "What is/are your barriers to getting things done?
Here are some common statements.
1. I am always running late. Taking care of my Mom is a full time job. (or my new baby)

2. I can't find my keys. I know I have scissors....I just saw them. 

3. I am who I am ...I can't change. This is my life...I can't change it.
Within these three common statements are the three areas of clutter.
They are as follows and correspond, in order, to the statements above.
2. SPACE (all your stuff)
Let's look at each one.
Time: Do you need help managing your time wisely? Do you clutter your time with unnecessary stuff? What is holding you back from accomplishing your goals? Are you prioritizing your day? Do you use a "to do" list? All these questions have to do with your time. ...are you in need of skills to help you?
Space: Do you have too much stuff? Do you spend too much time looking for things? Do you get overwhelmed amist your environment? This is the most common form of clutter. Don't feel alone.
Mind: The clutter most of us are not aware of. Do you have relationships that are high maintenance? Do you have guilt trips? Your mind can a be a source of clutter in your life. One must learn how to have healthy boundaries and skills for healthy thinking in order to illliminate clutter of the mind.
So where do you start? Even if you determine what your greatest clutter is, I am going to tell you we all start in the same place. Can you guess what it is? Is it our mind ..our time...or our space?
The answer is SPACE. The reason is because we need space around us free from clutter in order to best achieve success in the other areas of clutter. If your house is organized (not 100%..but functional) then you will do better with your time and leave room for your mind to work.
The only exception to this rule is if you have patological barriers to clearing out clutter. Then you must work on your mind clutter first.
 Hense.......we have our clutter blog. But from time to time I will be doing more time and mind clutter challenges as well.
So, if your space clutter is in control...look at your time and mind to see what clutter is lurking.......

Extra Tip:
You can include Mind and Time clutter in your One in, One out rule.
For example, In comes a new shirt and Out goes too much time on the computer.....or something like that...you get the picture.
Happy dejunking......................:)

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