Friday, December 18, 2009

We took Melissa's Challenge

A few weeks ago, Melissa challenged us to make meals for a week on food storage.
Dad and I took on the challenge.
We are proud to announce that we have used our food storage for meals since Thanksgiving.
The only food I bought was bread and lettuce.
We are leaving for Oregon tomorrow (so VERY excited) so when we get back we will have two more weeks to get by without shopping. That is our goal.
That will make it a total of  a six week success.
(We will need to buy cheese when we get back, but that's all)

1 comment:

  1. You are doing better at my own challenge than I am. I need new resolve. I will start in January! However, I guess I have been doing okay. I only went to the store twice so far in December spending about $50.00. That is amazing to me! That was for some produce, milk, and eggs.
