Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Clutter Challenge for the week of Jan. 18th, 2010.

Take a look at the bright side....that is your candles.
The scent of candles can be both soothing and refreshing.
It can also be stressful if you have too many candles.
Do an inventory. How many candles do you have left from Christmas?
How many new candles do you have as gifts and what about the ususal clutter of collected candles?
Well, this week take the time to sort your candles.
Remember to keep a stash for emergencies. Place them in a specific spot with matches and a ceramic plate for the ones that are not protected.
Starat burning the ones that are almost gone, or simply discard them.
And most important...DO NOT buy any new candles until you have used the ones you have.

Happy burning....

Tip: There are many alternatives to actually burning candles....hot plates, wax discs, etc...and remember if you have allergies, the soy candles are much better.

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