Saturday, January 9, 2010


This last week I have been packing, selling, donating, throwing away and trying to label everything meticulously. I'm not sure about everyone else, but we move... ALOT... this is our 10th move in 7 years, you'd think that over the years we would realize what a pain it is to have to move everything we own, but somehow the things we own seems to grow. Part of that happens to be the fact that we have 3 kids and their clothes they've grown out of take up space, not to mention all the toys we've been given or have accumulated in the last 5 1/2 years that. And then there is all our camping gear... and all my sewing, and scrap booking supplies, and all the books we love and get incredible deals on, computer parts, parts for building model airplanes, etc etc. My goal is not only to get rid of tons of things (which is going very well, I LOVE CRAIGSLIST) but also to label everything as carefully as possible. The majority of our things will be going into storage and although I'd like to think that it will just stay there happily until I have my own place where I can use it again, I know there will be something, like my favorite spatula, that I just can't live without, so everything is getting a label... not just "Kitchen" but annoying, list everything in the box kind of label. I am very organized at home, everything has a place and usually everything is in it's place, and not having our storage like this would drive me nuts!! If I had advice to give about de-cluttering it would be to go through one closet once a month or even every other month and organize it, make sure there isn't anything in there that doesn't need to be, if things are in boxes, label the boxes, if it's something you don't need, donate it or sell it. Closets hide many a things!!! The kids love to find out all the things that have been hiding in the closets, especially when it's a toy that I have hid from them.

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