Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Weekly Clutter Challenge for the week of Dec 7th 2009

Counting to Ten

Counting to ten is is one of the old and famous ways known to regain your composure when feeling frustrated and angry.
Well, did you know counting to ten also works when you are feeling overwhelmed and surrounded by clutter? However, there is one added component. As you are counting to ten you are picking up and putting away 10 items.
This short and easy fix is not the cure to clutter, but it is a sure and easy way to manage it during the Christmas Season or any season for that matter.
When my kiddos were small it was called, "123...speed" I would tell my kids how many items they needed to pick up and put away and we would all race to do it together. Yes, my husband was included. Five kids, one husband and me....thats 70 items put away in no time at all. And a reward at the end makes it fun.

One, two, three....speed...............................

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