Monday, January 4, 2010

Clutter Challenge for the week of Jan. 4, 2010

Bag It!!!!

I get frustrated when I go places because I am constantly trying to organize my items to take.
I finally got wise and instead of having one or two bags that I would rotate for multiple purposes, I now have individual bags for individual activities.
In a nutshell:

One easy way to get organized is to designate bags for activities.
Here are a few suggestions:

Libray bag
Dog park fanny pack (or walking/jogging exercising fannypack) This is not the gym bag.
Church bag
Errand bag or bin
Gym bag
Snack bag for cars (I have low blood sugar and this snack bag has saved my bacon when I have been out and about).
Extra make up bag in car - just some of the basics. Comb, mascara, lip gloss.
Backpacks for school - both adults and kiddos.

Additional Tips:
Take a few extra minutes this week and put some baby wipes, tissues and unopened bottled water in you car. Believe me, they will come in handy. You can buy alcohol wipes at most check out counters in place of baby wipes.
Don't forget the hand sanitizer. A pump bottle of this in every car comes in handy.

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